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EZ Express Breast Pump

CCS Medical is pleased to offer the EZ Express to those with qualified insurance. The EZ Express functions perfectly for mothers who need an easy breast-pumping experience. The simple design and advanced technology provide convenience and ease of use for breastfeeding mothers.


The EZ Express 2 is a high-performing pump that allows you the option of 4 cycle speeds (2 Stimulation, 2 Expression) with 7 suction levels in each cycle. Includes a portable AA battery operation and converts to a manual pump with the included manual handle kit.
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  • BPA Free
  • Light weight & portable (less than a pound)
  • Closed system to prevent back-flow and mold growth
  • 4 cycle speeds, single or double pumping, wall outlet and AA battery operation
  • AC power adaptor included
  • Accessories included: breast shield bodies, breast shield/flanges, silicone cushion inserts, bottle adapters, membrane vales, bottle bases, 5 oz. bottles, silicone diaphragms, and tubing connector caps
  • Simple use (various sizes & breast shields included)
  • Manual handle kit (coverts electric pump to a manual pump)
  • 2,000+ hours of motor life
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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is responsible for getting the insurance authorizations for medical supplies?

Does the company provide service and supplies to Medicare and Medicaid patients?

Are you a participating provider with other insurance companies?

Are all products covered by my insurance company?

How much will a patient have to pay for his or her product?

Do I need to apply for Medicare when I turn 65?

Who can receive benefits for diabetes self-management training?

How do I know my diabetes supplies are covered by Medicare?

How much is reimbursed for each product?

Does everyone pay the same amount for the Part B premium?

Are there limits on the quantity of diabetes supplies that Medicare will reimburse?

How do I replace my Medicare card?

If I am 65 and ready to retire and my employer is going to provide me with benefits, do I need Medicare?

Does Medicare cover my spouse and family?

What is the difference between Medicare and Medicaid?

Where should I send my Medicare premium payment?

Who can I contact for more information about Medicare eligibility?