Traveling with Medication
With the summer vacation season in full swing, many people are traveling or soon will be. Whether you’re headed to the beach or the mountains, it’s important to think about your prescription medications when making your travel plans.
To help make sure your trip goes smoothly, here are a few things to keep in mind as you are making that “to do” list and starting to pack:
- Take enough medication to last the entire length of your trip, as well as a few extra days’ worth, just in case you are delayed returning home. Most insurance companies offer a vacation override that will allow you to refill your medication early. You can contact your insurance to find out if they offer this override and how to qualify.
- Keep all your medications in their original prescription containers, and do not combine medication into one bottle. Carrying each medication in its own separate container will ensure that you have all the information you need on hand.
- When traveling with syringes, it’s a good idea to have a doctor’s note indicating why you have syringes. Traveling by air obviously involves more advance planning when it comes to your medications. To see the American Diabetes Association’s Air Travel and Diabetes Fact Sheet, click here.
- Consider time zone changes that could affect the date and/or time you take your medication. If you will be crossing time zones, talk with your healthcare provider in advance about how it may impact you.
- If you run out of medication while traveling, you can contact your pharmacy to assist in getting your prescription filled at a local pharmacy in the visiting area. Nearly every medication can be refilled at nearly any pharmacy in the United States. Most doctors will provide you with a medication order you can take with you to have filled at another U.S. pharmacy.
The information provided within this site is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for consultation with your physician or healthcare provider.