A Guide to Managing Blood Sugar with Nutritious Food Options
Are you or someone you know living with diabetes? Eating the right kinds of foods can make a big difference in managing blood sugar levels. Below, we’ve provided two guides for simple, fun, and delicious ideas to keep your blood sugar in check: 5 Superfoods to Help Lower Blood Sugar and Fun and Easy Snack Ideas.
5 Superfoods to Help Lower Blood Sugar
1. Vegetables
Load up your plate with colorful vegetables like asparagus, bell peppers, broccoli, snap peas, squash and carrots. Enjoying a variety of colorful veggies each week will help you stay healthy. The American Diabetes Association recommends filling half your plate with non-starchy vegetables at meals. Tip: If you buy canned or frozen veggies, be sure to buy ‘no salt added’ varieties to reduce sodium intake.
2. Whole Grains
Whole grains are packed with folate, chromium, vitamin B and magnesium. They are also high in fiber which helps regulate blood sugar levels and keeps you feeling full longer. Choose whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, and whole wheat bread instead of refined grains. Try to limit or avoid instant or quick cook grains as they tend to spike blood sugar.
3. Lean Proteins
Lean proteins help stabilize blood sugar levels and keep you satisfied between meals. It also helps to slow down digestion, which can help you avoid blood sugar spikes. When deciding, try lean protein sources like skinless chicken, fish, tofu, and beans.
4. Berries
Berries are a great source of natural sugar for your body, and they are packed with more than that. Blueberries provide fiber and antioxidants known to lower blood sugar and inflammation. Strawberries can reduce diabetes complications like kidney disease and nerve damage. Other great fruit options are apples and citrus fruits that are lower in glycemic index.
5. Healthy Fats
Looking to boost your intake of healthy fats? Nuts! Almonds, cashews or even pistachios help improve insulin sensitivity and keep blood sugar levels steady.
Fun and Easy Snack Ideas
1. Avocado
Avocados are a great healthy fat option that won’t spike blood sugar. Try it on its own or mash it up and add some salsa, cilantro, and lime juice for guacamole! Tip: keep your serving size to a quarter-cup for a snack that has less than 20 grams of carbs.
2. Yogurt
Mix some fresh berries into plain low-fat yogurt for a sweet treat that’s light on carbs and a great pre-workout snack. Bonus: Try Greek yogurt for a high protein option!
3. Eggs
Scrambled egg whites are good for a quick protein fix at home. Or you can hard-boil a few eggs to keep in the fridge as on-the-go snacks.
4. Cheese
Try the low-fat options like cottage cheese, feta, string cheese, Laughing Cow, or Babybel lite to keep your blood sugar in check. A quarter-cup of cottage cheese with a half-cup of fruit is a great option to satisfy your sweet tooth.
5. Hummus
Even though hummus has carbs, your body digests them slowly. This means they won’t spike your blood sugar. The chickpeas in hummus give it lots of fiber and protein to fill you up. Use a third of a cup as a dip for veggies or to spread on whole-grain crackers.
6. Popcorn
Air-popped popcorn is generally a healthier option compared to pre-made popcorn that has added sodium and fat. Having three cups is a perfect option for an afternoon pick-me-up that’s also high in fiber. Sprinkle in some cumin or paprika for a little kick!
7. Nut Butters
Peanut butter or nut butters with celery sticks or half an apple are great options. The fat and protein in the nut butter make your body digest the carbs from the fruit slower, and the fiber helps keep your blood sugar steady.
Chew on This
Having to manage your blood sugar doesn’t have to be scary or hard. In fact, you can explore new food options that taste great and are good for your body that you might not have thought about trying before. Drinking lots of water and staying active are also important when managing diabetes. Always talk to a doctor or a nutritionist if you have questions or concerns about where to start.
Author: Bernice Boivin RD, CDCES | CCS Health
This site is for educational purposes only. Talk to your doctor or healthcare provider before making any decisions about your health.